Cindy, a senior citizen who lives alone in Hobbs, became confined to live and sleep within a few feet of her living room fireplace after her heater broke. With no nearby family and very limited social security income, Cindy felt helpless. Fortunately, a local politician was making door to door visits when he met Cindy, and he knew of an organization that could help her.
Seniors Standing Strong is a local nonprofit organization helping to improve the lives of seniors in Lea County. With the help of Judy Hanna at Seniors Standing Strong, Cindy’s situation was evaluated, and a local business was contacted to do the heater repair for a reasonable price paid by the organization. This senior is now able to fully enjoy her home and sleep in her own bed without being confined to the small area near her fireplace.
There are many examples that can be shared about the work of Seniors Standing Strong. Whether the need is for an everyday item like eye glasses, walkers, and oxygen tanks or a bigger issue like a broken heater or termite infestation, Lea County senior citizens with income restrictions can benefit from the services of Seniors Standing Strong.
Seniors Standing Strong is passionate about helping improve the lives of our seniors by finding solutions to help alleviate their financial burdens for necessary items and help match seniors’ needs with the appropriate community resources.
The JF Maddox Foundation partners with Seniors Standing Strong by providing funding to take care of people like Cindy. Foundation partners like Seniors Standing Strong are connecting the residents of Lea County to community resources while simultaneously bringing about the changes that improve their daily life.
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